Thursday, February 24, 2011

Zoe's Birthday Party

Thanks to everyone who came to Zoe's party. We had such a great time with you all and hope you had a good time too. We would also like to thank all our family and friends who sent such wonderful gifts. We love you and appreciate your generosity.

Now for the fun!

Jehan helps Zoe unwrap her gift

A tea party at a birthday party.


Checkin out the Baby Belle!

"I'm funny"

Tea anyone?

After Party Clean-up

I'm pooped. Time for bed.
(Thanks for the pj's Nan D)

Friday, February 18, 2011

Zoe's Birthday

My mom had a great idea for Zoe's birthday. Let's get her a kitchen. She loves to cook so it makes sense. Except for when the manufacturer misdrills the pieces and it takes 4 hours to assemble. I'm glad we made it work for the birthday surprise but what a nightmare. Many thanks to my patient husband.

We should have just put it back in the box:)


Cooking lesson to follow shortly. Stay tuned!


Just gonna throw out a bunch of good stuff.

Such an expressive baby

Favorite past time #1: Wearing our breakfast

Favorite past time #2: Dress-up


Yes, we're teething

Very funny guys.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Being cooped up all winter makes you a bit batty. There are only so many things you can do to pass the time. Example below:

Startin' to lose it.

I need a vacation

I'm always on vacation

Friday, February 4, 2011

Snow Fun

It's been a rough winter so far but we are taking it in stride. There are lots of fun things to do in between the weekly blizzards and ice storms. Here are just a few of our extracurricular activities:

Digging the car out.

So after three storms in a month, we finally got some snowman-making snow. We built Fred and in less than 24 hours, his head was missing. Now, it didn't just fall off. The whole thing was taken. So, what do you do when someone takes your snowman's head? You build another better looking head.

I'm sad to report that Fred only survived another 48 hours before he was defiled again.

All work and no play? NO WAY!

Yes it's very cold but I like to think we're making the best of it.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Ruby Goodies

These babies grew up so fast. I can't believe it's already been 4 months since Roobs was born. I have been working hard to make myself more available to the girls and have looked into part-time work. I'm hoping my current company thinks it's a brilliant idea and I can stay home more. This is such a fleeting time, I don't want to miss it.

I have no idea what she finds so funny, but it's funny.

Zoe makes some keen observations

Helping in the kitchen

Stuff They Do

I knew this was going to be fun but I'm having a blast. These girls are hilarious and they know how to keep me on my toes.

Toddler Mischief

Roob's is a jabberjaw

More great moves from Zoe
(I'm thinkin' some dance classes are in order)

Zoe is blowing Ruby's mind

Aaron is creating sports-watching allies.

Winter Fun

Well the almanacs sure weren't kidding when they predicted a snowy winter in the Northeast. We have gotten crazy amounts of snow in NYC. It has made it really difficult to get out of the house. We are hoping for an early spring so we can get outside and play.

Zoe absolutely loves snow.

Ruby is not amused

We had our neighbor's help building our snowman, Fred
Thanks Jehan!

The finished product

OK so there is someone in the neighborhood that thinks it's funny to steal the head of a snowman. We can only hope that his head was used for good and not evil. Anyway, we rebuilt our friend Fred and he is sexy. Although he survived another head theft, someone stole his cool hat. Whadda ya do?

Lookin' good Fred!