Friday, May 20, 2011

Mother's Day

So I decided to treat some moms to brunch at my house. It was actually pretty easy to put together and the timing was almost perfect. I really enjoyed spending the day with the women who support me on my motherly journey. Ew, that sounds like a bad Hallmark card but it's accurate so we'll let it be.

Ruby's dress

Zoe's dress

We moved the party out to the front yard

A little Cornhole

That top is blowin' my mind

Bikes and Balls

Ice cream break

What a great end to an amazing day!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Good stuff I missed

Okay, big video posting.


Monkey Wrestling

Ruby Rant 2

Ruby watching Ruby (in the previous video)


Well, it was another successful K-Bomb this year. I didn't know what to expect with two babies in a car for over 15 hours each way. It honestly wasn't that bad. At least no one was puking on the ride home. Oh yeah, forget that. Zoe yakked once. She's 2 for 2 on the road trip barfing.

Road trip ready

You guys RELAX... I'll drive.

Exploring John and Amanda's empty cupboards
(they let us stay in their guest apartment)

P.S. Louisville is AWESOME!

Ruby's first hair cut

My little china doll

We always enjoy our time in Lexington. It is such a great place to sit back and relax with just about anyone. If you listen to the dialogue in the background of these videos, it becomes obvious how we spend most of our time. We also do the Times crossword. We're cultured people dammit!

K-Bomb Hijinks

3D shark pool

Peer Pressure

Nana Debbie's Birthday

Since we were leaving on our annual Kentucky trip, we celebrated Nana's birthday a week early. After a yummy dinner and strawberry shortcake for dessert, Nana took Zoe back with her to New Jersey for her first sleepover. She did so well that she stayed for 4 days.

As hard as it was to be apart from her for that long, it was great to have some time with Ruby and to have the luxury of worrying about only one baby at a time. It's important for the girls to have their experiences with family outside our regular environment.

Helping Nana with her candles

A day at the Liberty Science Center

Lunch Break!

Water Break!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Still Catchin' Up

There is amazing Mexican restaurant that delivers homemade rice pudding, one of Zoe's favorite treats.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Catch-Up (cont)

Checkin' out this thing called food

Playing with sister

Cute Buddha


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